Artificial Intelligence technology was once a thought of few to be the future and many stories were written which gave new shape to imagine how it will work. Prolific writers like Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, Isaac Asimov, George Orwell and many more wrote and ignited the imagination of the future of technology and humans from their time.
With Robotics , humans have engineered machines that can replace humans in works and also help humans to do works in an efficient way. From the first mechanical computer "The Babbage Difference Engine" designed by Charles Babbage to "SOPHIA" robot developed by David Hanson, human and technology relation have reached a new height.
It is considered by developers that humanity will take a new leap by welcoming A.I and humans sharing world side by side.
This technology is not just designed to help in works but will also learn from surrounding by collecting data through audio visual recognition and sensors to detect information.
Sharing world with A.I will be fine as long as humans do not exploit such technology oversighting the devastating consequences.