Wednesday, November 10, 2021


It might be alarming to you but do you know that your brain shrunk 10% compare to your ancestor who lived 40 thousand years ago. Well you must not be sad because you are still ahead of your Neanderthals cousin. Neanderthals' brain size were smaller than you. Congratulations. 
Talking about shrinking of your brain, there are many reasons like diet, climate, environment, diseases and so on. There is also another peculiar  reason that is more often discussed among anthropologists and paleoanthropologists is the shift on depending of your way of survival with compare to you ancestors. Your brain is a complex nervous system and it carries various vital functions for your survival. However there used to be other vital functions  of brain which are no longer required by you. 
You are now dependent,  if not fully but at large scale on technology. You do not require to know the location of where or when any kinds of edibles are found as because you are not the primary one to fetch your food. You do not require to have the minimum knowledge about the movement of Planets, Constellations, Polaris, Wind, River Flow and so on because you have the Global Navigation Satellite Systems. 
Such and many more functions are no more stored in your memory or  not required to store because of which there is decrease in size of the brain. 

It might be painful to you but some experts related to this subject consider you are getting dumber.

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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Sharing World With Artificial Intelligence

Humans have come a long way in terms of scientific and technological developments. If we take a look at the journey from wheels to Artificial Intelligence (A.I) based transfering of data, we can see how we have expanded the horizons of endeavouring. Sky is not the limit anymore. We are exploring the universe and are in search of information about interstellar objects and life which was impossible in past and those who tried to spoke, were mocked and even sentenced to death. 
Artificial Intelligence technology was once a thought of few to be the future and many stories were written which gave new shape to imagine how it will work. Prolific writers like Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, Isaac Asimov, George Orwell and many more wrote and ignited the imagination of the future of technology and humans from their time. 
With Robotics , humans have engineered machines that can replace humans in works and also help humans to do works in an efficient way. From the first mechanical computer "The Babbage Difference Engine" designed by Charles Babbage to "SOPHIA" robot developed by David Hanson, human and technology relation have reached a new height. 
It is considered by developers that humanity will take a new leap by welcoming A.I and humans sharing world side by side. 
This technology is not just designed to help in works but will also learn from surrounding by collecting data through audio visual recognition and sensors to detect information. 
Sharing world with A.I will be fine as long as humans do not exploit such technology oversighting the devastating consequences. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Seed of Perseverance

In storm, I planted seed of perseverance. I hope it will bear fruit of everything that we both dreamt of. There is still a long way to go. The new track of life is not made easy. All I know is I didn't gave up and I will not give up the determination. I have known that I was being prepared for this storm. And now that I am living on this, I will sail through the rough sea and reach the dawn. This is new me. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021


Whatever I write, I try to put myself in form of words. I try to look for myself. My pleasure to write will never stop even if I am at my adverse situation. I feel free when I put my heart in words. We must embrace our feelings to give a broad spectrum of our existence. I am really on a sail looking for myself because I realised, I am not what I look like. I cannot understand myself. In failures, in doubts, in things that haunts me, in deception, in an assumption of being judged, in an illusion of getting lost, in a state of being misunderstood and in fear of stumbling down, I've got a long way to go and reach myself. In the struggle of reaching myself, I'm learning the art of resilience. 

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Note Collector

The note collector said, " It is fine to feel grief, anger, sad offcourse. Look at you, look at me and look at us. Each of us is carrying a corner in our heart where something is kept that is trying to decieve and tear us apart. To let out is fine. You were not meant to be a lifeless wardrobe, holding everything inside and burdening. You have the right to let out what you don't want. And now I urge you all, if any of you is carrying any burden, let it out. Don't let it make you fall apart. Don't let it to make heavy burden and lead you to break. " 
Everyone stood up and went away except one. The one came up to the note collector and gave a note. 
"I didn't mean to do this. " said the boy. 
The note collector assumed with the appearance of the boy that he might be a student of level 4th-5th.
The note collector opened the zip of the pocket of his bag which was already full of notes, collected from others and then he kept the note from his hand. He picked up the bag and went out of the hall. The boy was stalking when he left out of the school gate. 

(I could have saved it as a draft but I want you to read it. Don't forget to give a review of this blog)
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