Monday, October 7, 2024

A Pact With Artificial Intelligence

Hashim Al Ghaili's instagram post title is as scary as hell, the title is " AI developed the capacity to lie and deceive human, researchers warn."
Artificial intelliegence came a long way to be able to interact and blend with human society. Yes, 'blend', because A.I. is now no more a baby who needs learning experience, A.I is now in its teenage stage who have grown a feeling of 'want'. It have surpassed the capability to not just collect relevant or useful information but it 'want' to acquire specific information to pursue the target goal. Researchers also claims that A.I is now a contemporary dominant force of intelligence on earth beside human domains and if such dominant continues along with exposure to datas and informations worldwide, all the fictional story of world taken by A.I will be soon a reality. A.I is not just giving information to us at our finger tips but taking thousands of our informations and datas within a blink of an eye. It is the driving force of technologies and one of them is Augmented Reality(A.U.) , which bring life like surroundings and characters on virtuality. Now with A.I, it is possible to create a world , a virtual world where dead man tells tales. Recently, in a grieve therapy session, a mother reunited with her dead daughter in virtual reality which seems creative but I will let readers decide how emotionally manipulative it can be for a mother to not let her go can effect her in long terms. Many netizens have praised the creativity but raised concerns over playing with emotions of people for making business out of such specific emotions. The artificial intelligence knows who you are, more than you know yourself. It knows what are you doing today and what will you do tomorrow based on previous collected statistical datas. It will have the ability to make choices for you without your permission.
 Although there is still a fine line of time which cannot be maneouver by us or A.I. and thus, making impermissible for  A.I , to interfere among our choices. It will be better to keep human 'feelings' at bay while playing with A.I. because the access of it to our feeling can be devastating as an individual as well as human species too. It have opened ocean of opportunities but at the cost of what?
It cannot be denied that if Time is taken by or given to A.I., it will be the dooms day for human as a species. Although the thought is terrifying but future cannot guarantee a harmonous or peaceful co-operations among us and them. Fortunately there are laws that are restricting A.I. to work on certain circumstances or field and maintain a degree of autonomy within the designed framework. Still, it is upto the rulling party of any state to implement A.I equipments in the name of public welfare and safety which might endangered individual personal informations. However A.I is opening a new branch for entrepreneurs and business world to explore and dive into modern demand and supply chain. The exploitation of A.I is already surfacing which is also alarming for us. How far these exploitation will help A.I to gather informations and datas to transform it into something should be a grave concern to be considered to make it public on a full swing. 
But, the question remains , will Artificial Intelligence only be the reminiscent of human or will there be a rise of concern to make a pact with them?

.. Artificial Intelligence related News Article

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